Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fix for error Sql server 2005 reporting service add-in setup interrupted


To use Report Viewer web part in SharePoint 2007 64-bit environment, you need to install SQL Server 2005 Add-in. I downloaded the setup from Microsoft site and ran the MSI - “SharePointRSx64”.msi. The setup failed with the error as “sql server 2005 reporting service add-in setup interrupted”.  If you are having this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Open the command window (Start>Run type cmd and press enter)
  2. Navigate to the path where the installer (SharePointRSx64.msi) is stored
  3. Execute SharePointRSx64.msi SKIPCA=1 
  4. CD to %temp%. Look for rsCustomAction.exe. If not found, browse to the parent directory
  5. Execute rsCustomAction.exe /i  to auto-configure the installed files.

Once the installation will finish, you will be able to see the Reporting Integration section in Central Administration.