This sample uses the GetList operation of the Lists.asmx service to retrieve the configuration of the target list to query. It then loads the items of the list by using the GetListItems operation,providing a default query over the default view of the list.
String targetListName = "News";
String baseUrl = "http://local/_vti_bin/";
Lists wsLists = new Lists();
wsLists.Url = baseUrl + "Lists.asmx";
wsLists.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
XElement listMetadata = XElement.Load(new XmlNodeReader(wsLists.GetList(targetListName)));
Guid targetListId = new Guid(listMetadata.Attribute("ID").Value);
XmlNode listItemsXmlNode = wsLists.GetListItems( targetListId.ToString(), // ID of the target list
String.Empty, // ID of the view or String.Empty for default view
null, // CAML query or null
null, // ViewFields or null
"200", // RowLimit as a string
null, // Query options
null // ID of the web site or null for root website
XElement listItemsXml = XElement.Load(new XmlNodeReader(listItemsXmlNode));
var xmlItems = from x in listItemsXml.Descendants("{#RowsetSchema}row")
select x;
foreach (XElement xmlItem in xmlItems) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}",
Both of the operations we invoked (Lists.GetList and SiteData.GetListItems) return a result in the form of XML; in fact, we use classes of LINQ to XML to read and parse them. While working with SharePoint SOAP services, you will need to be accustomed to managing different kinds of results, because it is common for XML results to be presented in various ways (XmlNode, String, arrays of custom types, and so on).